Understanding your advising appointment
Scheduling your Advising Appointment
You will receive an email from your academic advisor inviting you to schedule an advising meeting via Zoom or another online platform. Please sign up for the earliest meeting available to you. Note the date and time you chose. Just prior the the meeting, you will receive a reminder via email and/or text message.
Most Honors advisors are using the Zoom platform. In the reminder that you receive, you will find a direct link to your Zoom meeting. If that is not available, your advisor may also send you information with the meeting ID and password so that you can manually log into the meeting. You should connect about 5 minutes prior to your scheduled time. You will start in a "waiting room," and your advisor will connect with you as soon as he or she is free.
Prior to the meeting, be sure to review the information on this web site. Incoming Honors Program students usually take two Honors classes in the fall, so you should review the list of scheduled Honors classes linked below.
The Meeting
In the meeting, your advisor will talk with you about your academic plans (major, preprofessional goals, academic interests, etc.). You'll also need to share with him or her any college credit that you've earned or have pending based on AP/IB test scores, dual credit classes, etc. With that information, your advisor will recommend a set of classes for the fall.
Your advisor will do everything possible to get you into your preferred schedule, but please know that some sections or classes might not be available. As such, you will also discuss some alternate classes which you could take. Be aware, too, that preliminary schedules are liable (and likely) to change, so a degree of flexibility may be required.
The Schedule
After the meeting, your advisor will register you into the best schedule available to you. He or she will usually send you the finished schedule via email. Review the schedule. In a reply email, let your advisor know the schedule looks good, or share any concerns or omissions that you might notice. Once the schedule is finished, your schedule will be "locked" until the end of Orientation in early July. At that time, you will be able to make schedule adjustments in Bear Web or have your advisor make such schedule changes for you.